MongoDB Performance Optimization
MongoDB真的遇到性能瓶颈了吗? 对于查询优化,还可以做到哪些?
- MongoDB使用内存映射文件I/O来访问数据存储,所以受到了OS以及内存大小的限制.64bit的Linux最大虚拟内存地址为128TB,而Windows对内存映射文件的限制为8TB(如果开启日志则只有4TB)
MongoDB真的遇到性能瓶颈了吗? 对于查询优化,还可以做到哪些?
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Discovery is the ability to be puzzled by simple things.
by Noam Chomsky
We get indulged in the amazement and excitement of what AngularJS offers to us. Meanwhile, a group of people on the other side of the globe had began to think of its potential drawbacks, and tried to solve them.
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