anytojson is an npm widget for developers. It fetches CSV, JSON data from REST APIs, Flat Files etc and converts them to JSON.
anytojson is an npm widget for developers. It fetches CSV, JSON data from REST APIs, Flat Files etc and converts them to JSON.
hotJar is an analytic tool to visualize the user behavior. It’s another solution (and better, perhaps) toward point burying for data collecting and analysis. The most amazing effect is its heatmap, like
We have introduced watermarks to our videos, now we can do the same thing on our site.
Simply using Watermark.js, with some lines of code, we can deploy image/text as watermark on site, and sets its transparency.
This is libook‘s project.
AutoZoom(Source Code) is a chrome extension can automatically zoom in and scroll. Let me just see the whole area of main content.
Initially, AngularJS is famous for its two-way data binding mechanism. Now there is a jQuery way to realize, that is jQuerymy.
At May 5, io.js has released v2.0.0 with upgraded V8 engine (v4.2.2) and other notable changes (see its changelog).
#CSS methodology
##author Luowei
CSS编程有4个维度分别是: patterns/implementation/ideologies/methodology,我将逐一介绍这四个维度,并重点介绍methodology。
Patterns 是需要我们用从可视化设计中抽象出来并需要用CSS去编码的对象。有些模式是可以复用的,采用原子设计的方式,从原子->分子->组织->模板->页面,这是一个从抽象到具体的过程。
如过使用副本集且mongos为1.7.4或更高版本,把读操作分散从机上,便会遇到”not master”错误.